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At the end of August, HBM Soletanche Bachy closed the first phase of civil engineering works of SK Innovation’s new battery plant in Iváncsa. On the project, representing the largest greenfield investment in Hungary’s history, HBM worked as a subcontractor of Market Építő Ltd.

During the foundation works, where 1200-2000 lm of piles were laid daily, totaling more than 5,000 piles for the whole phase, in a total length of 70,000 meters.


According to managing director, Tamás Kaltenbacher, the excellent cooperation with Market was key to the success of this large-scale project. Well-coordinated operation and accurate local processes allowed HBM to meet the required deadline and achieve a quality that was for the highest satisfaction of the customer.


The appropriate concrete supply, impeccably provided by MCM Beton’s mobile plant, also played a significant role. With the help of the mobile plant, several hundreds of kilometers of distance were eliminated from the work process, thus reducing the environmental impact.


Summing up the experience of the project, the real challenge of the assignment was its volume. HBM worked two shifts a day with 6 piling machines and increased capacity. The company is proud that it could contribute to the boosting of the Hungarian economy and the creation of 2,500 new jobs.

Source: Magyar Építők



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