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This year is special for everyone, we have gone through things that have radically changed our lives in all areas.

We re-evaluated our environment, our relationships, our achievements.



At our company, this process has a particularly high focus, because we look back on the last 25 years. During this time, we have been involved in a number of interesting and exciting projects, with years of challenges and experiences behind us, which was necessary to achieve our current, market-leading position in the domestic civil engineering market. 

The foundations created over many years, the confidential partnerships established during our collaborations and the innovative, supportive environment provide us a vision that allows us to carry out our work to a high standard in the long run. 

Ezúton is szeretnénk megköszönni megrendelőinknek, partnereinknek és kollégáinknak a cégünkbe vetett folyamatos bizalmat és a támogatást!  

We would like to thank our customers, partners and colleagues for their trust and support in our company!

We are sure that we will have many more successes in the future!



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